Good Deed # 140 – Jeff’s ALS Equipment Fund
150 Good Deeds in 150 Days 2017.
Jeff’s ALS Equipment Fund, Oshawa, ON
OCTOBER 23, 2017
Jeff Doan was a hard-working father who always made sure he had the money to support his family, whether it was working long hours or certain holidays, he always made sure his family had a roof over their heads, food on the table and clean clothes on their backs. Jeff was diagnosed with progressive ALS March 18th. His wife being sick with cancer passed away a few short months later. Now that his ALS has progressed, his family is realizing how much help he needs on a day to day basis with walking, talking, eating and the stairs are a huge issue. One of the big things he needs is a stairlift to get him up the stairs safely. It’s very scary watching him try and climb those stairs every day. The ALS Association has a long process of helping out with these materials and only so much is covered. His therapist told him that shes worried with this long wait from the ALS association he might not even be able to use the stairlift by the time he would be able to receive the funding from them. His family has created a GoFundMe campaign to raise funding for a lift. This good deed was nominated by Zach Weber of our Kitchener branch.
Weber Supply has made a donation to this campaign.
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