Good Deed # 101 of 150 – Meg’s Long Road to Recovery
150 Good Deeds in 150 Days 2017.
Meg’s Long Road to Recovery, Collingwood, ON
AUGUST 25, 2017
Meghan is 24 years old and was involved in a tragic, life-changing accident earlier this year. Meg fell four stories from a balcony and somehow, managed to survive. Rushed to Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto, she underwent multiple life-saving surgeries and remained there for months of complicated recovery from injury to her spinal cord. Meg spent her 24th birthday hooked up to a ventilator, being fed through a tube, and was unable even to speak for the first three months. During the many months she spent in critical and intensive care, she received exceptional care from her doctors and nurses. Still, as a consequence of her injuries, Meg has been rendered a quadriplegic and will be confined to an electric wheelchair. Currently, she is residing at Lyndhurst rehabilitation center until her release date sometime this September. Once released, she will need to move home to be cared for by her parents. This good deed was nominated by David Weber of our Kitchener branch.
Weber Supply has made a donation to Meg’s Recovery Campaign.
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