Good Deed # 59 of 150 – Mark Preece Home
150 Good Deeds in 150 Days 2017.
Mark Preece Home, Hamilton, ON
JUNE 26, 2017
When there is an accident or illness and a loved one is in the hospital, it is a crisis for the whole family. The Mark Preece Family House is a caring place to call home for families of patients in Hamilton area hospitals. The Mark Preece Family House is located close to the Hamilton Health Sciences’ General Hospital site, a prime focus site for Critical Care, Trauma Services, Burn Unit and a full range of Cardiac Surgery and Services. More than 37% of inpatients who are cared for at Hamilton General come from outside of Hamilton and more than 225 patients are air-lifted to the hospital each year. As a regional centre for trauma, burns, and cardiac surgery, the General site provides critical care to the most seriously injured and ill patients. It is also the referral site for Neurosciences. This good deed was nominated by Steve Nafziger of our Kitchener branch.
Weber Supply has made a donation to the Mark Preece Home.
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