Good Deed # 49 of 150 – UN Refugees Agency (UNHCR)
150 Good Deeds in 150 Days 2017.
UN Refugee Agency, Canada
JUNE 12, 2017
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also known as the UN Refugee Agency, is the world’s leading organization aiding and protecting people forced to flee their homes due to violence, conflict, and persecution. UNHCR provides shelter, food, water, medical care and other life-saving assistance to refugees around the world. The dream of most refugees is to return home. When possible, UNHCR helps refugees make this dream a reality. When refugees can’t go back home, we work to find opportunities for them to rebuild their lives in another country. This good deed was nominated by David Weber of our Kitchener branch.
Weber Supply has made a donation to UN Refugee Agency.
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