Good Deed # 14 of 150 – Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp, New Hamburg, ON
150 Good Deeds in 150 Days 2017.
Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp, New Hamburg, ON
APRIL 21, 2017
Hidden Acres Children’s Camp provides a safe and caring overnight camp experience which provides rest and restoration for low-income single mothers (caring for their children with no partner residing in the household) aged 5 – 12. Single mothers can find encouragement and growth by being a part of a community where all women share similar life stories and struggles. Time is set aside each day for spiritual input and discussion. Some common activities for moms and children include: campfires, canoeing, crafts, music, games, nature hikes, star gazing, strawberry/peach socials, moms only “focus” times, and a variety show. This Good Deed was nominated by Steve Nafziger from our Kitchener Branch.
Weber Supply has made a donation to Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp.
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