Good Deed # 86 of 150 – Vet Bills for Shia


Good Deed # 86 of 150 – Vet Bills for Shia

150 Good Deeds in 150 Days 2017.

Vet Bills for Shia, Saskatoon, SK

AUGUST 3, 2017

Shia is at the emergency care center in Saskatoon waiting for surgery. She ran out into the street and a car hit her then ran her over, and then kept going and never looked back. Shia fractured her femur across the growth plate.  This good deed was nominated by Rob McCauley of our Kitchener branch.  Rob came across this family in need on GoFundMe.


Weber Supply has made a donation towards Vet Bills for Shia as a ‘Random Act of Kindness’.
