Good Deed # 27 of 150 – Soo Sings for Kids
150 Good Deeds in 150 Days 2017.
Soo Sings for Kids, Sault Ste. Marie
MAY 10, 2017
The Soo Sings for Kids is a local workplace glee competition, with prize money going to local charities. May 10 will bring together more than 200 employees from 10 local workplaces, singing and dancing for 9 charities. Over the past four years, this annual performance has raised $65,000 for several Sault Ste. Marie children’s charities. Sponsorship fosters their goal every year to donate 100% of ticket sales to the local children’s charities. This good deed was nominated by Rolly Pigeau from our Sault Ste. Marie branch.
Weber Supply has made a donation of batteries for all of the microphones used during the rehearsal and the performance.
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